Message from Secretary
Dear Aspirant
“Challenge the potentialities to make the Nation shine”; this has always been my objective while ensuring that the students are getting what is beyond the definition of mere good! The dynamism of the Global world has made the textual learning vulnerable. The success for our future generation will always be under threat if we won’t teach them to ‘flip the coin of EMPLOYABILITY’. Since the decades we have been taught to study up to that mark where we can reach the stability of earning but over the period of time this discernment has reached to such an alignment that the whole idea of Employability has turned out to be a stagnant one. What I have direly yearned for the students is to inculcate in them the spirit of a valiant for being worthy of every spontaneity of the professional world. The idea of EMPLOYABILITY PROGRAM is that step which will nail the ultimate impact of technical and skilled desire of corporate and industries. The intent is to make our students so competent that the companies will look forth for them. Certification courses, extra hour training, polished personality through HDP sessions are those armours which our students of Employability Program will be made equipped with. The practical training of technology and skill which the candidate is compelled to do along with job suddenly creates such stress on the new joinees that coping up with professional life becomes herculean task for them, thus making the youth prone to stress and depression. Under the EMPLOYABILITY PROGRAM the focus will not be inclined to provide good placements but also to embed such skills which are the futuristic demand of professional world.
Sunil Jindal
Secretary Vishveshwarya Campus & Employability Program